Monday, February 27, 2012


I found another class 3 patient. It is good to know that I have two quads down. Two to go. They are so much harder for me. With the first quad I did I needed to get down in the pocket more and this was the same case today. I need to just do it! But with all this blood gushing out, and my patient wasn't numb today (poor guy), it just makes it hard to go for it! But I need to! Geez! I'll get it! I have my other class 3 patient coming in on Wednesday so I'll be able to finish my two quads, hopefully! I'm excited, I feel like I've learned alot!


I had my friend come in and let me clean her teeth. I was excited to see her. She is prego aand doing well! I finished her in one appointment too! Yay! I am a little nervous about getting all my requirements done. It's hard to plan ahead especially when you don't know the classifications of some of the patients you have scheduled.

Monday, February 6, 2012


My patient came back in, my class 3. He was so hard and I was a little upset that I didn't get more than just one quad. I talked to Michelle after and she totally pumped me up. She told me that taking your time and missing less spots will be better for you in the end. It will force you to be a better clinician and with time the speed will come. It was the best pep talk ever. I love her! He's coming back in in a few weeks and I am so pumped. He is one of the nicest guys too, so that helps!


My sister came in today and she was the first patient I completed in one appointment! Yay! She didn't have very much calculus but still I'm taking credit for getting a whole patient done!


This was the the first patient I had come back and I finished him! YAY! I loved today! It was so nice to just sit down and scale. My patient was so nice. TIday was the first day I felt like I was getting in my groove a little. So nice.


My friend came in to the clinic and I am starting to feel a little more comfortable with instrumenting but still not as comfortable as I would hope. It was great to see my friend and work on her.